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Vegas eliminates time and space

Arturo Olmos-Ceja, Author

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The people that benefit from a city Sculpted by technology.

The city of Las Vegas is a perfect example of a city that has
been sculpted by technology. People from all over the world come to this city
to test their luck and try to go back home with more money than they came with.
Though some people are lucky others lose more than they ever imagined. A city
that relies and is made up entirely of technology has to have groups that
benefit and groups that suffer. For the time being, many groups benefit though
most off of them are only benefiting because of luck. All these groups are in
one way or another gambling so much in hopes that Las Vegas’s main
technological source, electricity, continues to keep the city alive and thus
continue benefiting themselves.

Electricity plays the most important role in shaping Las
Vegas. It is a very vital part of the city that without it there simply would
be no city of Las Vegas. Since electricity is very important, people need to
find a way to acquire electricity through the fastest and cheapest methods.
This results in Las Vegas eliminating time and space in order to acquire its
electricity. Every group that plays a role, one way or another, in providing a
way to help electricity eliminate time and space benefits. Basically if the
city of Las Vegas benefits than all groups that help it also benefit, which to
the moment is what has been occurring but if the city suffers than all the
groups suffer.

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