Using Digital Media to Analyze the Evolution of Feminist Discourse


This page provides an explanation of some of the functions I found to be the most practical in my use of Voyant for this project.
It also explains why I chose to use this tool, and some of the limitations it imposed on my project. 

Cirrus presents word frequency in the form of a colourful word cloud, the larger words being the most frequent. Clicking any word in the word cloud allows you to see the change of frequency over time in the word Trends graph. It is important to note that the X-axis of this feature is not able to present accurate year markers, but know that each decade is placed in order, with a relatively similar weight to the rest. Thus the timeline begins at 1940, with the middle hovering between the late 70's/early 80's, and ending with 2016. In the Reader window, we find the entirety of the corpus, if you care to read through all of the information. Terms found within the Reader window can also be clicked on if you wish to see their frequency. If you prefer a smaller frame of reference, Contexts lists every point at which the term is found, providing the five words preceding and following the term in question. At the bottom of every tool, there is also the option to search for specific words which may not have been common enough to While I found these tools were the most informative for my research interests, their are many other forms of text-mining presented in Voyant which are worth exploring.

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