Using Digital Media to Analyze the Evolution of Feminist Discourse

The New York Times

I wanted to use data that would have greater interaction with the public in the Western World. The New York Times (NYT) proved to be the most effective choice of publication, as it is widely read in North America and internationally as well. This news stories arguably have a profound effect on how we understand the world, and the language in which we use to describe it. Obviously this can be contested as, perhaps, the latest American election has demonstrated, the media is largely abhorred by large populations, in favor of information gathered from social media, which, beyond biases, can be outright fraudulent. But this is an argument for another day. What The New York Times did offer, however, was the option of searching through articles on their website which had been tagged as pertaining specifically to “Women and Girls.” as we are exploring the evolution of the lexicon and syntax(?) of a theoretical framework.

Below you will find an interactive graphic generated by Voyant which provides a visual analysis of linguistic trends using a corpus of 80 articles related to "Women and Girls" from The New York Times between the years of 1940-2016.  


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