USC Illuminated Medieval Manuscripts

Textual Contents- Book of Hours Use of Netherlands

Fol. 1-3: blank
Fol. 4r-9v: Calendar, complete
Fol.10r: blank, with miniature of the Crucifixion Fol. 10v
Fol. 11r: Beginning of text, [Hours of the Cross]
Fol. 14r: blank, with miniature of the Pentacost Fol. 14v
Fol. 15r: Beginning of text, [Hours of the Holy Spirit]
Fol. 18r: blank, with miniature of the Madonna with child Fol. 18v
Fol. 19r: Beginning of text, [Maria's Mass]
Fol. 28r: blank, with miniature of the visitation Fol. 28v
Fol. 29r: Beginning of text, Inapuunt hose beate Marie
Fol. 63r: blank, with miniature of David in prayer Fol. 63v
Fol. 64r: Beginning of text, [The seven psalms of David]
Fol. 76r: blank, with miniature of a funeral service Fol. 76v
Fol. 77r: Beginning of text, [Funeral service]
Fol. 87v: [End of text] Amen.
Calendar- Fol. 4r-9v
Click image to enlarge
Hours of the Cross Fol. 11r
Click image to enlarge
Hours of the Holy Spirit Fol. 15r
Click to enlarge
Maria's Mass Fol. 19r
Click image to enlarge

Inapuunt hse beate Marie Fol. 29r
Click image to enlarge
The Seven Psalms of David Fol. 64r
Click image to enlarge
Funeral Service Fol. 77r
Click to enlarge
Amen Fol. 87v
Click image to enlarge



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