USC Illuminated Medieval Manuscripts

Browse Manuscripts

Please Note: Currently, the pages for Currus phararonis [...], Book of Hours Use of Netherlands, Book of Hours Use of Rome/Northern France, and De officiis are published and available for view. All others are works in progress. Check back for new material soon!

Book of hours, Groot Begijnhof van Leuven and/or Ghent
15th century Illuminated
Medieval Manuscript on vellum
Book of hours, Northern France and/or Bruges
15th century Illuminated
Medieval Manuscript on vellum
Currus pharaonis et exercitum eius proiecit in mare Adiutor
15th century Illuminated
Medieval Manuscript on vellum
De Officiis by Marcus Tullius Cicero, ca. 1400
15th century Illuminated
Medieval Manuscript on vellum
Book of Giles- Coming Soon
15th century Illuminated
Medieval Manuscript on vellum
William of Ockham- Coming Soon
15th century Illuminated
Medieval Manuscript on vellum


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