URLF Project: PromotingQueerLiteracy

Assigned Gender At Birth

AGAB (AMAB, or AFAB) are a style of acronym that refers to assigned gender at birth, ie what gender the doctor decided you should be often but not alway based on birth sex. This is generally seen as the most politically correct way to refer to how a person was known before transitioning. It should not be used as just another way to ask what someone "really is," or as a tool to gatekeep/treat a trans person as their birth sex. Most times when someone tells you their gender, thats the end of the conversation and AGAB should generally only be used in medical contexts.
AGAB has been accepted as the best way to refer to the gender someone was identified as prior to coming out as it speaks to the tendency for medical professionals to sometimes make mistakes when applying gender based off of external sexual characteristics not only for trans people but also intersex people.