An Underworld Journey into 'Sleep No More'

I Was Really Confused, But That is a Good Thing

Sleep No More was one of the most confusing things I've done. As in I was not sure what was actually going on for about two and half hours of our three hour visit. First off, the elevator guy just dumps you off on whatever floor he feels like it, and its not like you can tell if you are going up or down, or even moving so you get off the elevator and there are just rooms in front of you and no rules to help at all with deciphering what is happening. In the McKittrick Hotel "Fair is foul and foul is fair" as just about any journey through dark and twisted place is good and bad and kind of makes no sense (1.1.11). 

This second world that Sleep No More presents is entirely of the players or persons creation. You are viewing your own version of the tale of Macbeth. You can watch forward, backward, inside out, right side up, or just give up because its too hard and just leave the world incomplete. The three hours and three showing don't really serve to help find the play of Macbeth and all the important scenes, but to instead find all of the missing pieces to your story.

Every new run through of Sleep No More will yield a new story, or if you beyond unlucky, you will the exact same thing. When seeing the production again, just as in video game, you are presented with new perspectives as you now know what you are already saw and created and now you crave more. Almost entirely new game or play is seen with every walkthrough since you can never see every action that is happening at the same time.

In this way, Sleep No More is incredibly reminiscent of pretty much every video game, whether you are the player or the character. You are thrown into this entirely new environment where you have to figure what you are doing and what it is you have to do. Where do I go, what is important to the quest and what is just a fun little side quest. The world of Sleep No More also changes up on you, and with new characters that really spice things up since it takes what you know about Macbeth and throws it out window.

All in all, Sleep No More offers up a new and refreshing take on media and entertainment as it tries to have the player, or in the case of this being reality, you the human embark on your adventure piecing together all the little hints and easter eggs to construct what exactly is going in this creepy and dark world. With this, you the human, is able to draw your own conclusions about what is that happens that you do not see the play that Shakespeare presents, but instead you see the play that you see, that is a direct result of your actions because once you pass through the "hell gate," you don't know what you are going to see (2.3.2). 

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