Understanding Vaporwave

仮想プラザ  Virtual  Plaza  Guestbook  ゲストブック

“It's  the  music  of  long-abandoned  malls 
and solipsistic  virtual 
spaces.”  (1)

"I  feel  like  it's  mainly  nostalgia  for 
something  we  never  had,  or 
something  that  never  happened. 
It  has  that  sense  of  knowledge  and 
importance  that  was  so  wide-spread 
before  9/11.  I  feel  like  it's 
nostalgia  for  the  future  that  was 
destroyed  by  9/11."  (2) 

"The aesthetic of vaporwave is one 
of a new virtual paradise, a 
virtual plaza if you will in 
which we relax in holographic 
utopia, under the watchful eye 
of the business professionals 
at a benefactorial mitsubishi 
group corporation."(3)

"I  wasn't  into  the  late  90s  computer 
games  as  much  as  my  friends, 
vaporwave  for  be  brings  back 
memories  of  that  time's  commercial 
music  and  general  IN  YOUR  FACE 
art  style.  It's  funny,  my  mother 
had  the  the  weather  channel  playing 
in  our  house  pretty  much  on  a  24/7 
loop,  it's  not  wonder  my  affinity 
for  the  local  on  the  8s  music 
rubbed  off  on  me."  (4)

"Vaporwave  is  kind  of  this  distorted 
cyberpunk  vision  of  80s/90s 
zeitgeist  with  a  satirical  focus 
on  the  period's  commercial  view  of 
the  future  (imagery  and  themes  of 
success,  ferraris,  pop  music, 
personal  computers,  the  information 
age,  then  economic-giant  Japan  and 
all  of  its  futuristic  technological 
innovations).  I  think  it 
has  a  certain  resonance  for  people 
who  grew  up  in  the  80s  and  90s 
because  even  if  their  lives  hardly 
reflected  this,  it  was  imagery 
that  they  were  exposed  to,  and  at 
least  speaking  for  myself,  seeing 
it  again  kind  of  reminds  me  of  the 
'good  times'  before  it  became 
apparent  how  ugly  and  dark  this 
New  Information  Age  can  be."(5)

"Your  Platinum  Card(TM)  is 
made  of  plastic."  (6)

"vaporwave  is...  well-  it's  fading 
90s  aesthetics  with  a  good  deal  of 
dreaminess  mixed  in[...]whenever 
you  grew  up,  you  lived  around 
the  detritus  of  the  culture  of 
the  time.  forget  the  big  things- 
political  leaders,  world  affairs, 
dance  crazes,  and  classic  movies 
all  belong  to  history  now.  they're 
part  of  a  larger,  shared 
consciousness.  you  have  to  think 
of  the  little  details.  the  way  tv 
looked.  the  way  things  sounded 
and  smelled.  the  patterns  and 
designs  on  soda  cans,  paper  cups, 
plates,  wallpaper.  the  preset 
tunes  on  casio  keyboards.  the 
layouts  of  shopping  malls.  the 
little  things  that  you  remember 
but  that  history  won't.  your  early 
childhood  was  an  intercourse 
with  that  detritus.  your  memory 
of that  early  childhood,  hazy, 
disorganized,  disjointed,  full 
of gaps,  and  a  bit  prone  to  running 
together  at  odd  angles  as  it  is, 
bears  the  weight  of  those 
almost-but-not-quite  forgotten 
cultural  tokens.  they  ebb  and 
flow  through  your  consciousness 
in  a  vague, arbitrary  kind  of  way, 
but  they  have  a  strange  sort  of 
signifying power  because  they  ring 
with  the  force  of  a  time  whose  sensation 
you  can't  quite  articulate  or 
quantify.  a  time  that  now  rests 
in your  mind  the  way  a  dream 
would-  somehow  beyond  the  bounds  of 
things,  somehow,  well...  vapory. 
so  anyway,  vaporwave  is  the 
aesthetic  rendering  of  that 
feeling  with  the  90s  as  a  reference 
point.[...]if  the  first  conscious 
years  of  your  life  were  spent 
during  the  90s,  then  these  things 
were  clashing  about  all  around 
you,  perhaps  only  in  your 
peripheral  vision,  without  you 
knowing or  caring  that  someday 
they'd  be  something  else  than 
what  they  were-  that  someday 
they'd  be  subtle  signifiers  of 
a  slightly  bygone  era  rather 
than  just  paper  cups  and 
keyboards  and  all  the  rest. 
and therein,  i  think,  lies 
the  nature  of  vaporwave-  it  aims 
to  capture not  just  the  feel 
of  our  shared  90s  childhood 
memories (provided  that  you 
grew  up  in  the  90s),  but  the 
very  ethereality  of  that  feel."  (7)

All translations were made using
Google. “Google Translate.” Google. Google. N.d. Web. < https://translate.google.com/ >.
All Unicode formatting was made with
Martin. “Generator For Fullwidth Characters.” Linkstrasse. Wordpress. 26 August 2011. Web. < http://www.linkstrasse.de/en/%EF%BD%86%EF%BD%95%EF%BD%8C%EF%BD%8C%EF%BD%97%EF%BD%89%EF%BD%84%EF%BD%94%EF%BD%88%EF%BC%8D%EF%BD%83%EF%BD%8F%EF%BD%8E%EF%BD%96%EF%BD%85%EF%BD%92%EF%BD%94%EF%BD%85%EF%BD%92 >.
All Windows style popup images were made with
Atom Smasher. “Make your own Error Message.” Atom Smasher’s Error Message Generator. Atom Smasher. N.d. Web. < http://atom.smasher.org/error/ >.

References from top to bottom:
(1) mdgraller. “/r/VaporWave - I'm not sure how to describe it, but I love it. Aesthetics and beautiful music.” Reddit. Reddit. 8 January 2015. Web.
(2) David_jay. “Understanding Vaporwave.” Reddit. Reddit. 8 november 2014. Web.                <https://www.reddit.com/r/Vaporwave/comments/2ln4t0/understanding_vaporwave/>.
(3) Marv134. “Understanding Vaporwave.” Reddit. Reddit. 8 november 2014. Web.                <https://www.reddit.com/r/Vaporwave/comments/2ln4t0/understanding_vaporwave/>.
(4) oscob. “Understanding Vaporwave.” Reddit. Reddit. 8 november 2014. Web.             <https://www.reddit.com/r/Vaporwave/comments/2ln4t0/understanding_vaporwave/>.
(5) wordsandwich. “Understanding Vaporwave.” Reddit. Reddit. 8 november 2014. Web.            <https://www.reddit.com/r/Vaporwave/comments/2ln4t0/understanding_vaporwave/>. 
(6) xploeris. “Understanding Vaporwave.” Reddit. Reddit. 8 november 2014. Web.            <https://www.reddit.com/r/Vaporwave/comments/2ln4t0/understanding_vaporwave/>.
(7) windowledge. “Review of Laserdisc Visions by New Dreams Ltd.” Rate Your Music. Rate Your
Music. 2 July 2013. Web. <https://rateyourmusic.com/review?id=54151778>. 

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