12017-04-07T08:56:24-07:00Chelsea Zielinskibd9a31f70dbc2c4a2460352531a9a62af8d10c2d171531Copyright: Warner Bros. Television , CBS Entertainment, Chuck Lorre Productions.plain2017-04-07T08:56:25-07:00YouTube2012-11-30T18:06:17.000Z2V127WteFDICecilia ReinertChelsea Zielinskibd9a31f70dbc2c4a2460352531a9a62af8d10c2d
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12017-04-09T13:33:36-07:00Bernadette Rostenkowski-Wolowitz2Microbiologist- The Big Bang Theoryplain2017-05-01T16:43:26-07:00 Dr. Bernadette Maryann Rostenkowski-Wolowitzis a highly educated microbiologist, She has her PhD in microbiology and works for a pharmaceutical company that pays more than her significant other, Howard.
She is often shown to be more masculine and able to deal with more stressful situations than he is. Her making more than him is a huge ploy in her plot and Howard's friends often make fun of him making less than her. Her job is rarely showcased and her romantic relationships are more showcased and how she is more masculine and aggressive in her tone than Howard. List of Characters Home