Television and Radio CriticismMain MenuIntroductionSyllabusScheduleCourse AssignmentsLinks and ResourcesReading Response #1Reading Response #2Media Reviews, Volume 1The first set of media reviewsMedia Reviews, Volume 2A collection of your second media reviewsMobina Hashmi7adcba45f5231a1ed67191c6a33c658691303e32
the question
12018-11-20T15:15:17-08:00Hashmi Classf0e75883627e4cb4dce71fee1e9cf581c40d2be0308893plain2018-11-20T15:21:02-08:00Hashmi Classf0e75883627e4cb4dce71fee1e9cf581c40d2be0Sometimes its done on air this one is done with a celebrity. Here Yee reads out the question that was sent to her for advice.