Television and Radio CriticismMain MenuIntroductionSyllabusScheduleCourse AssignmentsLinks and ResourcesReading Response #1Reading Response #2Media Reviews, Volume 1The first set of media reviewsMedia Reviews, Volume 2A collection of your second media reviewsMobina Hashmi7adcba45f5231a1ed67191c6a33c658691303e32
the work this land all their life and their land would never be theirs
12018-11-20T12:06:12-08:00Hashmi Classf0e75883627e4cb4dce71fee1e9cf581c40d2be0Mudbound | Official Trailer [HD] | Netflix1Struggling to survive, two families work the same land in the Mississippi Delta but live worlds apart. Directed by Dee Rees, Mudbound | A Netflix film, now ...plain2018-11-20T12:06:15-08:00YouTube2017-10-26T15:01:14.000ZxucHiOAa8RsNetflixHashmi Classf0e75883627e4cb4dce71fee1e9cf581c40d2be0