12017-03-10T14:24:16-08:00Raphael Rosalen1715e039fde07f4d095d0f33f3c5ebb5520e0fb3160553plain2017-03-10T14:39:51-08:00Raphael Rosalen1715e039fde07f4d095d0f33f3c5ebb5520e0fb3The way Lorde manages to sustain her image in between the ordinary and the special is by sharing her life and thoughts with her fans on social media. She might post photos of herself in exclusive and glamorous situations every now and then, but most of the time she also shares her personal and honest experiences. In 2016, Lorde posted several photos of her wearing the aforementioned Valentino dress at the Met Gala, but in one post’s caption she wrote about how awkward she looked in that environment. She also did not try to hide the fact that she had a cast on her left arm. She played along with it and wore it proudly to the biggest fashion event of the year, which most celebrities would never do. The cast, which was signed by many celebrities present at the event, put against the Valentino dress, made Lorde embody the contradiction of her persona: of the every day versus the spectacular.