World of Tomorrow: Humanity in the Outernet

"What Was His Name?"

The memory that Emily III first shares with Emily Prime is the museum exhibit of a clone without a brain. The clone is used as a specimen for the public to view for entertainment or education. Emily III says that the clone is without a brain, but clones looks like human beings. In this moment, the society that Emily III belongs to is defining humanity as the possession of a consciousness. The society of the future believes that the being that is on display is not human because it does not contain a brain.
Even though the society seems to consent to the exhibit, the members also resist the idea that he is not a human being. The clone is not given a name by the “artist,” but the community members name him David. The act of naming David places humanity on him that having him on display contradicts. The people visit him and talk to him seeking a connection with him, but because he does not contain consciousness, the connection is artificial.
When David passes away from old age, the body is removed from display without publicity. Emily III describes how the visitors of the museum mourn for him. After treating him like and referring to him as an attraction, the visitors miss him and grieve for him. The society continues to treat David with some humanity but left him to live on display. The exhibit of the clone illustrates how confused that society is with the concept of humanity. The technology that leads them to have clones has complicated the definition of humanity. 

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