World of Tomorrow: Humanity in the Outernet

"These Became the Happiest Years of my Life": Social Implications

The social dimension of the technology age is probably one of the most talked about and debated topics today. "Cyber connection itself can also infringe on our social functioning” because what we do online has direct effects on our personal lives. Complaining on social media is another aspect of technology that can have a massive ripple effect on our lives because “it gives the sense that one is being humiliated in front of a wide audience.” The impact is different from when someone complains individually to a small group of friends. One of the most talked about implications on social lives online is bullying. Between the mix of anonymity, the lack of facial cues or body language, bullying online is easier than face-to-face. Social networking can have huge positive impacts on communities, individuals, and schools. But the negative impacts can be devastating and need to be avoided at all costs.
While it is easier to communicate and solve conflicts when you don’t have to see people or talk to them in person, it’s not actually the most effective way to solve conflicts or build relationships. (“it is easier, however, to heal the relationship face to face than online”) We must teach communication skills as well as how to solve conflicts with those in your life. As with the emotional dimensions, teaching impulse control also helps with social skills. When people know how to control their words and actions, they are less likely to find themselves in situations where people are angry with them.
Emily III can communicate, but very rarely interacts with Emily Prime. It is more of her speaking at Emily than having a dialogue. Emily Prime will say something that Emily III does not know how to respond to, and instead of asking questions or conversing with her, she either says “I do not understand,” “I have no idea what you’re talking about” or stares blankly at her.  Emily III also says that when she spent more time with humans, it was the happiest time of her life. Additionally, when she went to Earth, she fell in love with a human and her emotional capacity grew.

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