World of Tomorrow: Humanity in the Outernet

A-? "Welcome, Emily, to the Outernet"

In the Film there are many method in which data is preserved and stored. Emily III goes into a lot of detail about how different memories are stored and stored into the Outernet. All of these methods can potentially be accessed much like how archives are set now. But some require much more in order to achieve and utilize. 

One of the first methods that Emily III describes is the digital transference of information from clone to clone. This is usually done by the wealthy. They can afford to have their consciousnesses uploaded into a clone and continue the process. Emily III is an example of this type of preservation and archive or memory.

Digital Transfer/Consciousness into a box
This method is a cheaper way of preserving and archiving. In this method the subject's thoughts and consciousnesses are put inside a cube. Materials can move between the cube and the outside. Uploading different materials and also downloading messages from the consciousnesses. However this method does not seem as enjoyable due to the nature of the thoughts that were downloaded from the cube.

Extraction Living and Dead
The next way or arching and preserving memories is through the extraction process. Emily III mentions that for a long time only memories from the dead could be extracted and they came through as bits and pieces. She also creates a museum of these anonymous memories for display and preservation. Though it is not mentioned there is a way that Emily III sifts through memories for this museum to be put in place. She also takes the memories from her love, David, in this same extraction process. However it seems she keeps a private archive for herself of his thoughts and memories recalling one as her favorite. Emily III also extracts a memory from Emily Prime of Emily Prime's mother, for her own benefit, to "comfort [her] in the days to come". 

View Screens
The view screen process it's all it's own. This method archives events in real time and shows what's is happening as someone watches the screen and their reactions to the events happening. This could potentially mean anyone could watch any person at any given moment. 

Face Robot
This way of archiving is adresses the pay walls that archival work has both presently and in the film. If you don't have the means to afford to have thoughts and self uploaded then the most archived self you can have is a face on a robot. Currency has an effect on what is being seen and what can be seen.

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