Design of Gendered Spaces
To coincide with Amer and Ahmed’s design, the idea of gender separation will be respected throughout the layout of the Masjid however; these spaces will be easily assimilated in order to preserve social and cultural formalities. The design calls for the entire bottom floor to be divided by gender but only when the space allows for women to be included on the bottom floor, otherwise women would be sent up onto a second floor balcony that overlooks the Masjid and is physically divided by two way windows. As a short preface, the intention to assimilate gender does not come from a place of misunderstanding, but only out of respect toward the cultural progression of gender equality that has been introduced into the mainstream knowledge of the 21st Century. Because the two sides of the gendered spaces argument sit very far apart, it is only fair to accommodate to both parties. The Masjid should be divided equally down the middle between gender, and this division should carry over onto the second floor balcony if necessary, where men and women will occupy their respective sides. This action respects the space of both men and women and does not deter either gender from equality. This solution encourages the progressive nature surrounding the Women’s Mosque while still incorporating the entire family into one space, all while respecting the personal space of all individuals. At the same time, prayer rooms will remain gendered within the Mosque. Other spaces that require gender separation like bathrooms and even ablution stalls will be divided strictly by gender.
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