The Utopian/Dystopian American Dream: Immigration and Labor in Latina/o Science FictionMain MenuThe Utopian/Dystopian American Dream: Immigration and Labor in Latina/o Science FictionA digital companion by Jeanelle D. HorcasitasWhat is the American Dream?Utopian and Dystopian EntanglementsCritical Dystopias and Future-HistoriesHistories of DystopiaUtopian Dreams Fulfilled by Enclosure & RemovalThe ReservationsSleep Dealer FactoriesLabor Practices in DystopiaWorking on el traqueDemystifying "The Supply"The Dangers of Being a Non-CitizenErasure of Historical and Cultural MemoriesGetting ConnectedMoving Toward a Critical DystopiaReclaiming a History Threatened by ErasureA Future with a PastWriting Ourselves Into the FutureJeanelle D. Horcasitasece5ecc19b7350e99e5e88a083713bd56ddb89bf
Inspections at the U.S.-Mexico Border
1media/7631071d41bc25c5a0e96cc4db66078d.jpg2017-01-31T17:29:07-08:00Jeanelle D. Horcasitasece5ecc19b7350e99e5e88a083713bd56ddb89bf147874image_header2017-02-09T20:32:12-08:00Jeanelle D. Horcasitasece5ecc19b7350e99e5e88a083713bd56ddb89bfDon Chipote’s humiliation at the border makes clear that the U.S.’s utopian and eugenic vision is to ensure that the country does not allow any undesirables. Don Chipote experiences these dystopian moments when he reaches the border and is asked to strip down and shower, “After taking off his clothes, he was naked as a jaybird, putting his grubby little paws in a box of powdered disinfectant, then hitting the showers” (35). Interestingly, Don Chipote enjoys showering because he believes it is the only requirement for him to enter the U.S. In Francisco E. Balderama and Raymond Rodriguez’s Decade of Betrayal: Mexican Repatriation in the 1930s, they explain that men, women and children waited long hours at the border just to be seen, and could still be turned away. They were also detained for hours without drinking fountains or bathrooms, and were forced to shower in public bathrooms and have their clothing disinfected (11). Gutiérrez explains that the rationale behind this treatment, specifically surrounded health concerns because, “immigrants were blamed for spreading contagious diseases throughout the land” (56).
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1media/Screen Shot 2017-01-31 at 6.55.53 PM.png2017-01-31T17:28:25-08:00Jeanelle D. Horcasitasece5ecc19b7350e99e5e88a083713bd56ddb89bfUtopian Dreams Fulfilled by Enclosure & RemovalJeanelle D. Horcasitas5plain2017-02-09T20:47:45-08:00Jeanelle D. Horcasitasece5ecc19b7350e99e5e88a083713bd56ddb89bf
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1media/Screen Shot 2017-01-31 at 6.50.56 PM.pngmedia/Screen Shot 2017-01-31 at 6.50.56 PM.png2017-01-31T17:31:10-08:00Jeanelle D. Horcasitasece5ecc19b7350e99e5e88a083713bd56ddb89bfThe Reservations5plain2017-02-09T20:33:12-08:00Jeanelle D. Horcasitasece5ecc19b7350e99e5e88a083713bd56ddb89bf