The Roots of National Socialism and Germany's Reckoning with its PastMain MenuBy way of introductionThe Context: Germany in the 1920s and Early 1930sAnd into this context there stepped one man . . .Anti-Semitism was Central to Nazi PropagandaPopular Sentiment: "At least Hitler isn't a Communist . . ."Nazi Officials Use Propaganda to Win Popular SupportOne of Six Million Jews Slaughtered by the Nazis: Edith SteinWhat Psychologists Say about the Roots of NazismJung's 1946 Essay "After the Catastrophe"Germany's Reckoning with its PastSome Provisional ConclusionsWorks CitedCreative Commons LicenseCathy Kroll0c0427ebd621fb54b22b23c07748d7202fcfe9c8
Nazis Pretend Life Goes on as Usual, Even in War
12017-09-05T22:21:40-07:00Cathy Kroll0c0427ebd621fb54b22b23c07748d7202fcfe9c8222703plain2017-09-11T21:14:40-07:00Cathy Kroll0c0427ebd621fb54b22b23c07748d7202fcfe9c8These 1939 photographs are taken from a yearbook of Nazi propaganda located in the New York Public Library's Digital Collections. Such yearbooks were produced annually unitl 1942, when the Russian offensive turned the tide of the war decisively against Germany. We see the attempt by Nazi propaganda ministers to try to convince the German public that the Wehrmacht (German military) had the war well in hand.
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1media/Hitler greeted by Brenner residents 1940 NYPL dig.jpg2017-09-03T21:51:57-07:00Cathy Kroll0c0427ebd621fb54b22b23c07748d7202fcfe9c8The Roots of National Socialism and Germany's Reckoning with its PastCathy Kroll22book_splash2017-09-11T22:46:28-07:00Cathy Kroll0c0427ebd621fb54b22b23c07748d7202fcfe9c8
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12017-09-05T22:29:23-07:00More Propaganda: Hitler Takes a Holiday1Art and Picture Collection, The New York Public Library. "As the world dwells in war psychosis, the Fuhrer takes a few days holiday aboard the flagship "Robert Ley" (...)" The New York Public Library Digital Collections. takes holiday 1939 NYPL dig .jpgplain2017-09-05T22:29:23-07:00
12017-09-05T22:20:40-07:00Gas Masks for German Children1Art and Picture Collection, The New York Public Library. "Besides the people's gas mask, there are also gas defenses created for German children." The New York Public Library Digital Collections. masks for German children 1939 NYPL dig.jpgplain2017-09-05T22:20:40-07:00