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The Power Company Steven Brewer

The Power Company Steven Brewer, Author
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Energy Management Systems

The purpose of this article, put together by The Power Company Director Steven Brewer, is to offer insight to all organizations, regardless whether they are industrial, commercial or public sector, in order to better comprehend the concept of energy management and hopefully gain a perspective on how they can implement it and benefit from it.

Energy Management System or EMS is a set of energy management software tools that are used to monitor, control, and optimize the performance of generation and transmission systems. The intelligent energy management software control system is designed to reduce energy consumption, enhance the usage of the system, elevate reliability, and optimize energy usage to reduce cost. The Energy Management System applications run on real-time data such as actual generation, frequency, tie-line load flows, and plant units’ controller status to provide system changes.

Automatically turned off equipment when it is not needed is the principal function of an Energy Management Systems. At the heart of any energy management system, there is a programmable electronic control that accepts instructions on how to operate, and then transmits those instructions to the equipment that needs to be controlled.

Steven Brewer has in-depth knowledge, and rich experience in the energy sector. He has been studying the benefits of EMS for a long time now, and has concluded that to improve the energy performance of an organization, the EMS needs to be fully effective, integral part of an organisation's wider management processes.

Nowadays, Energy Management Systems can be managed online from even the remotest locations. Rapid advances in technology have made these systems cost-effective for smaller facilities. However, the management of energy is often neglected, even though there is huge potential for saving energy and reducing costs. Climate changes, rising energy prices, and more environmentally responsible comportment, are some of the reasons why effective energy management is needed.

Energy management systems are very versatile, and are capable of maintaining different schedules for different pieces of equipment. According to The Power Company data shows that on average, a building energy management system saves up to 25% of CO2 emissions and costs.  Building energy management systems provide optimum efficiency as well as cost reductions across a range of sectors. But when it comes to energy management and building efficiency, every business has different needs and challenges. Steven Brewer from The Power Company, understands that in order to improve the energy efficiency of a factory, he will need a solution quite different to that of an office environment.

With the energy prices continuing to rise, and the environmental legislation tightening, the need to manage carbon emissions and control energy costs, has become greater than ever.  With over 10 years in the energy management sector, Steven Brewer and The Power Company have proven experience and technical knowledge to deliver the energy management systems you require.  Installing an energy management system can take time, but once it is placed it will continue to develop as energy performance improves.
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