1media/Complaints and Accountability Header.jpgmedia/Complaints and Accountability Header.jpg2020-07-15T16:29:39-07:00Suzanne Noruschatd5b4fb9efb1f1d6e4833d051ebc06907bb9dba643750051structured_gallery2020-10-09T10:01:25-07:00Nathan Masters230370daa854d727222b408fd47bf524e7610836
Complaints and Accountability
In addition to revealing the extent to which excessive use of force occurred within the LAPD, the commission also sought to understand how the department dealt with complaints filed against officers and how it addressed disciplinary matters relating to officer misconduct. In June 1991, staff from the firm Gibson, Dunn, & Crutcher reviewed complaints and personnel reports at station jails and in a memorandum noted some of the problems in regard to addressing abuse complaints, including lack of a clear policy about what constitutes excessive use of force and a system of reporting abuse that required witnesses to confirm misconduct. A wider examination of disciplinary actions in response to misconduct allegations was conducted by the law firm Freeman & Mills, whose analysis of LAPD databases containing personnel complaint statistics yielded some striking findings visualized in a series of charts and graphs prepared by the firm. The first chart (1) below indicates that 25.2% of the 6,757 misconduct allegations reported by citizens during an unspecified period involved use of excessive force, yet only about 10.4% of these allegations resulted in some form of disciplinary action or acknowledgment of wrongdoing against the officers accused. Misconduct complaints, in other words, most often resulted in no consequences or reprimands, even for officers accused of multiple violations (2 below).
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1media/United to Stop Police_Header.jpg2020-07-07T14:15:41-07:00Suzanne Noruschatd5b4fb9efb1f1d6e4833d051ebc06907bb9dba64INDEPENDENT COMMISSION RECORDSNathan Masters192structured_gallery10080862020-10-09T10:00:04-07:00Nathan Masters230370daa854d727222b408fd47bf524e7610836
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1media/Use of Force Bar Comparison of Top 44 Officers_Page_11.jpg2020-08-05T20:13:25-07:00Curtis Fletcher3225f3b99ebb95ebd811595627293f68f680673e2. LAPD Database Graph: Use of Force Frequency of Reports Per Officer, 1991 May-July7A variety of graphs, charts, tables, and figures produced from statistics within the LAPD's database (1 of 2), 1991 May 30 - July 3.plain2020-09-06T10:40:44-07:001991Independent Commission on the Los Angeles Police Department, 1991Suzanne Noruschatd5b4fb9efb1f1d6e4833d051ebc06907bb9dba64
1media/Misconduct Allegations Reported by Citizens_thumb.jpg2020-08-14T12:26:19-07:00Anne-Marie Maxwell326ac6eff123bb3f77fb517c66299be8b435b4791. Misconduct Allegations Reported by Citizens2media/Misconduct Allegations Reported by Citizens.jpgplain2020-09-08T14:23:37-07:00Suzanne Noruschatd5b4fb9efb1f1d6e4833d051ebc06907bb9dba64