The Legacy of Black Panther Sisters

The Impact of Black Panther Women

Once women started joining the Black Panther Party, the organization started changing to become more inclusive. According to the source named Engendering the Black Freedom Struggle the author states, “ Largely as a result of these women's efforts, the Black Panther Party became a place where black men and women could be radicalized around issues of gender, find tools to challenge sexism and patriarchy, and reconceptualize gender roles(Engendering the Black Freedom Struggle, Spencer, Robyn).” The Black Panther Party became an organization for black men and women to actively participate in the Black Power Movement that activated for equality. For the first time black women were accepted into social and political spaces giving them the opportunity to add their opinions and issues in debates. Black Panther women changed the direction and public image of the party by demanding full liberation for all black Americans, not just men. In addition to women using their voices in political spaces; they also made structural and organizational impacts by providing essential services to the community. Most of the Party’s programs were created and supported by Black Panther women like the free breakfast programsliberation schools and medical clinics. Women in the party created ideas and programs that supported the whole family needs within the black community that included mothers, children, and elders. 

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