LA as Subject: 25 years of Highlighting Southern California Archives Main MenuIntroductionLA as Subject: 25 years of highlighting less visible archivesTimelineThe Vision Behind LA as SubjectLA as Subject EvolvesArchives BazaarThe Story Behind LOST LAThe Residency ProgramInterviewsVoices of LA as SubjectAlexandra Elizabeth Hontalas-Adams377122f0e60c302a88ad270b42c2463d15e203a7
The Fifth Archives Bazaar
1media/1a6a72798d647f957795b65a52fb4400.jpg2020-08-31T14:08:05-07:00Alexandra Elizabeth Hontalas-Adams377122f0e60c302a88ad270b42c2463d15e203a73748512The fifth archives bazaar was held at the Doheny Memorial Library, at USC. The bazaar had over 70 exhibits from LAAS member archives. It also included documentary screenings, panel discussion, educational sessions, and special guest speaker Pat Morrison.plain2020-10-16T07:50:11-07:002010Alexandra Elizabeth Hontalas-Adams377122f0e60c302a88ad270b42c2463d15e203a7