LA as Subject: 25 years of Highlighting Southern California Archives Main MenuIntroductionLA as Subject: 25 years of highlighting less visible archivesTimelineThe Vision Behind LA as SubjectLA as Subject EvolvesArchives BazaarThe Story Behind LOST LAThe Residency ProgramInterviewsVoices of LA as SubjectAlexandra Elizabeth Hontalas-Adams377122f0e60c302a88ad270b42c2463d15e203a7
LA as Subject transfered to USC
1media/1a6a72798d647f957795b65a52fb4400.jpg2020-08-31T13:42:03-07:00Alexandra Elizabeth Hontalas-Adams377122f0e60c302a88ad270b42c2463d15e203a7374858The USC libraries became the host institution for LA as Subject. The directory's companion online database was transferred to the University of Southern California’s Archival Research Center.plain2020-09-08T13:28:45-07:002000Alexandra Elizabeth Hontalas-Adams377122f0e60c302a88ad270b42c2463d15e203a7