LA as Subject: 25 years of Highlighting Southern California Archives Main MenuIntroductionLA as Subject: 25 years of highlighting less visible archivesTimelineThe Vision Behind LA as SubjectLA as Subject EvolvesArchives BazaarThe Story Behind LOST LAThe Residency ProgramInterviewsVoices of LA as SubjectAlexandra Elizabeth Hontalas-Adams377122f0e60c302a88ad270b42c2463d15e203a7
1media/LC.pngmedia/Yosemite 2.jpg2020-08-17T16:21:20-07:00Claude Zachary & Liza Posas18Claude Zachary is an a manuscript librarian and archivist at USC. Liza Posas is the LA as Subject coordinator at USC Libraries.image_header2020-10-16T20:00:10-07:00Claude Zachary has been the University Archivist and Manuscripts Librarian in the University of Southern California Libraries Special Collections since 1998. He holds a BA from UC Santa Cruz and a Master of Library and Information Science, with an archival concentration, from UCLA. He has been active in the Society of California Archivists and in the Society of American Archivists since 1996, and has served on the executive committee of LA as Subject Archives Forum. Zachary has co-authored several publications related to the architecture and history of USC and Los Angeles.
Liza Posas is the Coordinator for LA as Subject (LAAS), a collaborative network hosted by the USC Libraries that works to promote and preserve the rich history of Los Angeles and Southern California. She has held this appointed faculty position with the USC Libraries since 2009. To this end, Liza facilitates collaborative projects with different organizations and individuals within the LAAS membership. These projects include the LA as Subject Resident Archivist program, grant-funded by IMLS, the Monomania LA video series funded by CalHumanties, and the annual Los Angeles Archives Bazaar co-hosted with the USC Libraries. The California Historical Records Advisory Board awarded Ms. Posas in 2018 with the Archival Award of Excellence for her work with LA as Subject. She has also worked at the Autry Museum of the American West since 2005 where she currently serves as the Head of Research Services and Archives.