The Fragility of Post-Racial Ideology in American (Visual) Culture

Visual Culture: Tracing Post-Race Through Raced Eras

Tracing the lineage of a “post-race” ideology is complex because the history of an overarching ideology such as post-racialism is difficult to essentialize within a few moments of America’s race histories. As Paul Gilroy articulates, the insidious formations of “race” have “been given a variety of accents” (30), and continue to morph and incorporate intersections of visualizing, socializing and normalizing differences. In this line of thought, the notion of a “post-race” society is nothing new, it may have presented itself as integrationist, as colorblindness, as Reaganism, as “Obamanation”, but in the end will visually permeate and manage American visual culture.  


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