The Pueblo Flood and Levee ConstructionMain MenuIntroductionThe Flood of 1921Levee ConstructionA media gallery of the Levee's Construction.Bibliography and Special ThanksAlexander J Moore534d3d5224d8b5830fb6e191d6df60cc22362a04The Pueblo History Project
Levee Location
1media/August 1900.png2022-04-01T12:24:13-07:00Alexander J Moore534d3d5224d8b5830fb6e191d6df60cc22362a04403168plain2022-04-06T15:20:32-07:00Jonathan Rees3c1d30e7d6075de94f4565f942234014223611d6Following the Flood of 1921, local authorities constructed a levee to protect downtown Pueblo. This map section displays the location of the new levee just south of the Union Depot. To the north, the previous location of the river is outlined on the map to help display the difference in location. Though the river was only moved four blocks south, the new location, along with the protection that the levee provided, has kept downtown Pueblo from flooding for over one hundred years now.
This page has paths:
1media/Flood Map.png2022-04-01T11:02:54-07:00Alexander J Moore534d3d5224d8b5830fb6e191d6df60cc22362a04The Flood of 1921Jonathan Rees16plain2022-04-07T20:57:17-07:00Jonathan Rees3c1d30e7d6075de94f4565f942234014223611d6
Contents of this path:
1media/Flood Map.png2022-04-01T12:25:41-07:00Alexander J Moore534d3d5224d8b5830fb6e191d6df60cc22362a04Levee Construction17A media gallery of the Levee's Construction.gallery2022-04-07T16:12:02-07:00Jonathan Rees3c1d30e7d6075de94f4565f942234014223611d6