Teaching and Learning for Social ImpactMain MenuIntroductionIntroduction to the Teaching SchemaWhy: Teach for Social ImpactHow: Course Design for Social ImpactWhat: Topics to Teach for Social ImpactAbout this PublicationWashington University in St. Louis
Vanessa Rodriguez - The Teaching Brain
12020-08-19T16:51:29-07:00Emily Stenbergd6a6bb12fd4bf8d4cfa2693e85dd60fabe37afe5376901Vanessa Rodriguez is currently an advanced doctoral candidate in the Human Development and Education program at the Harvard Graduate School of ...plain2020-08-19T16:51:29-07:00YouTube2015-05-30T11:52:11ZFaesGXTrdW4The Brainwaves Video AnthologyEmily Stenbergd6a6bb12fd4bf8d4cfa2693e85dd60fabe37afe5
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1media/09-vanessarodriguez-0165.jpeg2020-08-19T16:34:05-07:00Vanessa Rodriguez19Teachers Make a Difference | The Teaching Brainplain2020-09-03T11:51:15-07:00
Teachers Make a Difference | The Teaching Brain
In these two videos Vanessa Rodriguez 1) discusses how the teacher that made the greatest difference in her life taught, and 2) that teaching is a social cognitive ability. Expert teachers have 5 awarenesses: awareness of the learner, the self, teaching practice, social interaction, and context.