Teaching and Learning for Social ImpactMain MenuIntroductionIntroduction to the Teaching SchemaWhy: Teach for Social ImpactHow: Course Design for Social ImpactWhat: Topics to Teach for Social ImpactAbout this PublicationWashington University in St. Louis
Natasha Sajé
1media//Natasha-Saje-profile_thumb.jpg2020-08-21T10:51:05-07:00Emily Stenbergd6a6bb12fd4bf8d4cfa2693e85dd60fabe37afe5376905Faculty, MFA in Writing, Vermont College of Fine Artsplain2020-08-26T16:18:24-07:00Emily Stenbergd6a6bb12fd4bf8d4cfa2693e85dd60fabe37afe5
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1media//Natasha-Saje-profile.jpg2020-08-21T10:50:29-07:00Natasha Sajé11Everyone Has Talentplain2020-09-03T11:51:38-07:00
Everyone Has Talent
In this audio essay Natasha Sajé tells about asking a poetry professor if she had any talent. He kindly told her no….After attending other poetry workshops and writing groups, Sajé has come to believe that everyone has talent. Today Sajé is a poet and professor.