Teaching and Learning for Social ImpactMain MenuIntroductionIntroduction to the Teaching SchemaWhy: Teach for Social ImpactHow: Course Design for Social ImpactWhat: Topics to Teach for Social ImpactAbout this PublicationWashington University in St. Louis
Myles Horton Highlander Folk School
1media/9999004584-l_thumb.jpg2020-08-26T16:27:28-07:00Emily Stenbergd6a6bb12fd4bf8d4cfa2693e85dd60fabe37afe5376903"Highlander Folk School Historic Marker" by jimmywayne is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0plain2020-08-30T15:46:55-07:00Emily Stenbergd6a6bb12fd4bf8d4cfa2693e85dd60fabe37afe5
This page is referenced by:
1media/CH-NB_-_USA,_Monteagle-TN-_Highlander_Folk_School_-_Annemarie_Schwarzenbach_-_SLA-Schwarzenbach-A-5-10-115.jpg2020-08-21T11:36:00-07:00Myles Horton15Islands of Decencyplain2021-06-07T09:19:40-07:00
Islands of Decency
Myles Horton was a social activist who co-founded the Highlander Research and Education Center whose faculty and student community included many civil rights leaders. In this chapter, Horton explores a holistic education model that educates in order to empower students to make their own decisions.