Teaching and Learning for Social Impact

Integrating Information Literacy

A 2018 Pew survey of U.S. adults revealed that 43% of us get our news from Facebook, and another 21% from YouTube. Deep fakes are now a part of our social media and political landscape, fooling people into believing things that simply aren’t true (Villasenor, 2019). Teens in Macedonia get paid to post lies about hot button issues on social media (CBS News, 2016), and you can buy 13k likes on Instagram for as little as 10 Euro according to a 2019 NATO study. Many of us are unsure how to interpret data visualizations, or understand how the peer review process privileges certain types of authority over others.

What do all of these things have in common? They’re facets of information literacy, and they affect all manner of life – personal and professional.

Learn More about Information Literacy:


Metaliteracy promotes critical thinking and collaboration in a digital age, providing a comprehensive framework to effectively participate in social media and online communities. It is a unified construct that supports the acquisition, production, and sharing of knowledge in collaborative online communities. Metaliteracy challenges traditional skills-based approaches to information literacy by recognizing related literacy types and incorporating emerging technologies. Standard definitions of information literacy are insufficient for the revolutionary social technologies currently prevalent online. – Jacobson and Mackey, 2011

To learn more, check out Metaliteracy.org

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