Teaching and Learning for Social Impact

Some Hows for Community Engaged Courses

Returning to the definition of Community Engaged Teaching and Learning (CETL) by Butin (2007), these courses link “academic work with community-based engagement within a framework of respect, reciprocity, relevance, and reflection.”   

But how do we go about doing this?  Relevance and Reflection are the tools that are used the support students to connect their academic and community learning, and Respect and Reciprocity are how we go about engaging with our community partners. 

In addition to these considerations, how do we assess the outcomes of our engaged courses and how to we adjust community engagement for online teaching? 

This section includes resources on: 

  1. Linking Academic and Community Learning 
    • Overview 
    • Relevance: CETL in the disciplines 
    • Reflection: Linking the academic and community learning 
    • Equity Centered Community Engagement 
  2. Engaging with Community  
    • Respectful Frameworks  
    • Reciprocal Partnerships 
  3. Assessing Community Engaged Courses  
  4. Moving Community Engaged Courses Online 

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