Teaching and Learning for Social Impact

Creating Learning Outcomes

Learning outcomes should be aligned to or reflect the Enduring Understandings and Essential Questions. These will be written in a way that operationalizes the understandings in order for them to be assessable during the course.

Dee Fink proposes six dimensions of learning in his Taxonomy of Significant Learning (p. 11).

Learning outcomes can be constructed to reflect these dimensions as you build a more socially conscious course.

To create your social impact outcomes, reflect on the dimensions of learning and the questions above. You can have a learning outcome that addresses all dimensions, or just a few. Then, use the following formula to create an outcome that relates to the dimensions you want to highlight in your course.
Students will be able to +Action VERB +knowledge, skill, or behavior you want students to learn.
Students will be able to +  
Students will be able to +  
Students will be able to +  

Further Reading

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