Beyond the Boundaries of Fantasia: An ancient imagining of the future of leadership

You Can Go Your Own Way

The Problems with Agamemnon's Leadership in Homer's Iliad

Welcome to the first musically-inspired module on this collection known as Beyond the Boundaries of Fantasia: An Ancient Imagining of the Future of Leadership. It is at this point that we hope, if nothing else, you will begin to understand how hard it was to be a leader in the ancient world (yes, leadership is hard in the modern world, too). Ancient leadership is hard because many positions of leadership attracted often bloodthirsty rivals. To paraphrase Jean-Michel Basquiat many ancient leaders, young and old, got their heads cut off--or their eyes poked out (Oedipus), or were bit by a poisonous asp (Cleopatra), or were murdered with an axe in the bathtub (Agamemnon), or were stabbed dozens of times by fellow senators (Julius Caesar), or were forced to drink hemlock (Socrates), or died in the thick of battle (Catiline). But even if you managed to survive your rivals, leadership was hard because of its unusual emotional and psychological stresses: life was chaotic and unpredictable, power could be intoxicating, and the right thing to do or say was not always obvious or feasible.

In the following seven-hour module you will become familiar with these "hardesses." Specifically you will engage with ancient leadership in the following ways:

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