Step Six: Returning to material culture and leadership in the modern world (00:30)
Now that you have had a chance to explore the ways in which some ancient leaders presented themselves visually (were presented) to various audiences, return to your initial thoughts about how leaders are depicted today:
- What similarities and differences do the ancient and modern examples display? Can we use the same interpretive tools to understand modern leadership through material culture or are the circumstances too different?
- Now that you have studied the ancient examples, can you think of even more contemporary examples?
- Finally: How is the display of leadership through material culture effective?
- For whom, and in what circumstances?
- Again, how are leadership and power connected in these examples?
- Is the social impact positive, negative, or neutral?
If you had the opportunity to represent a leader today, or even an example of some kind of leadership, whom or what would it be? What medium would you choose? What message would you like to communicate? How would you like a viewer to be affected by engaging with what you created? What challenges would you face in creating the impact you wanted?