Beyond the Boundaries of Fantasia: An ancient imagining of the future of leadership

Power and dehumanization

According to the definitions of power and dehumanization in the article, ("Power increases dehumanization" by Lammers and Stapel, 2010), does Agamemnon dehumanize others in Iliad One? I.e., does the Lammers and Stapel analysis of how "power increases dehumanization" apply to Agamemnon's behavior as a leader? Explain how Agamemnon does or does not "dehumanize," with specific reference to lines in the Iliad and quotations in this article.

If you had been an adviser to Agamemnon, would you have advised him to "humanize" others more? And if so, how would you tell him to do this?

Estimated time: 1:30

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