Beyond the Boundaries of Fantasia: An ancient imagining of the future of leadership

Optional in-class activity: SWOT Analysis

Do a SWOT analysis for the major decision-point in Iliad 1.1-246 ( The class may be divided into groups and each group may be assigned three or four decisions.

For example:

Agamemnon's decision not to accept the ransom of Chryses
Chryses' decision to summon Apollo's aid
Achilles' decision to call an assembly to address Apollo's wrath
Achilles' decision to support Kalchas, despite any threat from Agamemnon
Kalchas' decision to reveal that Agamemnon is the cause of Apollo's wrath
Agamemnon's decision to threaten Achilles with taking his prize
Achilles' decision not to slay Agamemnon (and thus follow Athena's advice)
Agamemnon's decision to take Briseis
Achilles' decision to depart from the war

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