Beyond the Boundaries of Fantasia: An ancient imagining of the future of leadership

Money Talks

Power and the money, money and the power.- Coolio, "Gangsta’s Paradise"

This module explores ancient leadership through the field of numismatics. Particular attention will be given to the representations of Julius Caesar, Mark Antony, Cleopatra, Octavian/Augustus, and (possibly) Livia and Tiberius. The primary focus will be on Augustus. Here are the important dates of his life.

Coins are a primary source of evidence for modern historians.  Roman coinage served as a medium of communication in the Roman world.  Coin types, the images on the coins, and legends, the inscriptions on the coins, advertised various political, religious, or military events.  In the Roman Republic, coins commemorated the ancestral deeds of many Roman families.  During the Roman Empire, coins depicted the portraits of the emperors and publicized contemporary events and ideologies of their reigns.  Furthermore, today, in a world of social media, such as television, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, news can reach us in a matter of minutes.  However, in the Roman world, artistic media, such as coins, were at times the only, or primary way, to broadcast news (e.g. the result of a victorious military campaign) – in this way, coins are both a medium of commemoration and of news.  The field of numismatics is fascinating – as I say: “there is a coin for every occasion!”

The aim of this module is to show students how numismatics can contribute to our understanding of the type of leader that Augustus was.  We will examine what insights contemporary Roman coinage (from the mid-first century BC to the succession of Tiberius in AD 14) can provide regarding the nature and chronology of formation of the Principate.  To what extent are Octavanic/Augustan coins “new”?  We will see what changes, if any, occurred in typology and on legends through a comparative investigation of prior Hellenistic and Late Republican visual media in order to determine what traditions they drew on and what, if anything, was innovative.  We will investigate the portraits and full-length representations of Augustus as well as major political (e.g. civic), militaristic (e.g. commemoration of a military victory), and cultural (e.g. religious) iconographical themes.  We will also analyze the representation of Augustus in other contemporary Augustan works of art (e.g. statuary, reliefs, cameos, and gems), architecture (e.g. the Forum of Augustus with its Temple of Mars Ultor), and literature (e.g. Virgil’s Aeneid and Augustus’ Res Gestae) to determine what type of Augustan personage(s) can be found across a wide range of media.   Thus, at the end of this module, students will be able to better understand the developing image of Augustus through the simultaneous use of various types of media (e.g. students will be able to determine whether or not Octavianic/Augustan coinage and the Res Gestae reflect similar themes).

  1. To introduce students to the field of numismatics.  Students should gain a better understanding of numismatic cataloguing and research.
  2. To introduce students to the age of Augustus through a careful consideration of coins.  Students should gain a better understanding of some aspects of ancient (and modern) leadership by exploring numismatic evidence.
  3. To answer the following questions:
Throughout this module we will be examining Roman "mainstream" (i.e.  coins that are traditionally catalogued as Roman "imperial", struck by the authority of the Roman emperor) and some "provincial" (i.e. all coins which are not Roman "imperial") coinage.  Why do you think I am using the term "mainstream" rather than "imperial"?  What does the term "imperial" mean? Do you think using the term "imperial" prejudges and obscures the transition between the Republic and the Empire?

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