Beyond the Boundaries of Fantasia: An ancient imagining of the future of leadership

Step One: Reflecting on Global Leadership (1:00)

Interest in "global leadership" is widespread in many public and private institutions of higher education. For example, consider the mission of the Institute for Global Leadership at Tufts University:

"The Institute for Global Leadership at Tufts University is an incubator of innovative ways to educate learners at all levels to understand and engage with difficult global issues. We develop new generations of effective and ethical leaders who are able and driven to comprehend complexity, reflect cultural and political nuance, and engage as responsible global citizens in anticipating and confronting the world's most pressing problems."

And another from Baylor:

"The Global Mission Leadership (GML) initiative of the Diana R. Garland School of Social Work [at Baylor University] endeavors to contribute to Christ-centered international development through culturally informed transformational education, informed engagement with congregations and religiously affiliated organizations, and compelling scholarship that allows communities around the world to thrive."

And finally one from Howard University:

"Howard University, a culturally diverse, comprehensive, research intensive and historically Black private university, provides an educational experience of exceptional quality at the undergraduate, graduate, and professional levels to students of high academic standing and potential, with particular emphasis upon educational opportunities for Black students. Moreover, the University is dedicated to attracting and sustaining a cadre of faculty who are, through their teaching, research and service, committed to the development of distinguished, historically aware, and compassionate graduates and to the discovery of solutions to human problems in the United States and throughout the world. With an abiding interest in both domestic and international affairs, the University is committed to continuing to produce leaders for America and the global community."

You may find many more examples by googling "global leadership mission."

Listening for Leadership

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