Student Showcase 2024


Student Showcase Journal 2024

This year, Student Showcase reached its 16th year: an amazing number! It has been a long journey, indeed, complete with hurdles (such as the COVID pandemic), but it remains an integral part of Mat-Su College. Overall, Student Showcase allows us to celebrate our amazing students and their excellent work at Mat-Su College. Students share their work with the academic community, inspiring their peers to reach similar levels of success in their own work. As a competitive annual event, Student Showcase also allows students at Mat-Su College to participate in a scholarly conference, culminating in a journal where the award-winning work is published. As always, we thank you, students, for your hard work and diligence in not only completing your difficult assignments with excellence, but for also taking the chance to present your material at the conference.
Thus, readers, thank you once more for joining us in our journey through exemplary scholarship at Mat-Su College. Our journey begins with an artwork derived from mathematics. It then travels on to postpartum treatment in the United States versus countries throughout the world, at last emerging with a personal story on hope and love of family.

An Important Note: I have placed available presentation slides in the  at the end of this journal so readers can see the fantastic work our students did on their slides. 

Please join us as we embark on another journey through excellent work at Mat-Su College . . .

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