[1] Previous editions include: a paleography and German translation of “Unos annales históricos de la nación mexicana” in the series
Baessler Archiv (Ernst Mengin, 1939);
Corpus Codicum Americanorum Medii Aevi collection, a facsimile edition of the Manuscripts 22 and 22 bis of the BNF (Mengin, 1945); Spanish translation from Mengin’s German version,
Anales de Tlatelolco (Heinrich Berlin, 1948). A partial translation of the
Anales in an edition of the
Historia general by Sahagún (Ángel María Garibay, 1956); a translation into English of the “Relato de la conquista por un autor anónimo de Tlatelolco” by James Lockhart (1993); an annotated bilingual edition of “Extract from the Annals of Tlatelolco” (section on the Conquest) in
We people here: Nahuatl accounts of the conquest of Mexico (Lockhart, 1993).), and a bilingual edition of the
Anales de Tlatelolco in
Fuentes Mesoamericanas (Susanne Klaus, 1999)