[Sp23] Community Innovation - IS/MACS266: University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

W13 Assignment - Reading Response and Paper Outline

Part 1: Reading Response
Read the selections from Andrew Yang text and the Executive Summary (pages 3-5) of the Champaign County Illinois Community Health Improvement Plan 2021-23 and consider how the authors use data and statistics. Address these questions in 3 paragraphs:  Find 3 different examples of data as "evidence" used across the 2 texts. What story are the 2 texts telling through the use of data? How is evidence presented in a way that makes it accessible and relatable to readers? How does the Champaign County report draw readers towards the data visualizations later in the report? How does the data/evidence in the 2 texts relate to the authors' argument around safety and security for U.S. households?

Part 2: Paper Outline/Draft 5 slides
(i)  Draft a 1 page outline of your final paper. Think of the argument and narrative you will develop in your paper around  safety and security on campus. Aim to represent  (a) data from your archive visits, (b) data from your interview, (c) data from readings and any other pertinent reports, and (d) preliminary data or assessments from the class survey on Digital Safety.

(ii) In preparation for final presentations, prepare a draft of five slides that you would use for your project. Make one slide a "data visualization" slide using the survey data covered in the lab and in visualization lectures on qualitative or qualitative data (chart/graph/table/word cloud/etc.) Also prepare four "qualitative" slides that frame your project and highlight data collected from your research: ie. interview, archival visit, primary and secondary sources.  Keep these 2 tips in mind:In our next lab on Thursday (4/19), you'll share your five slides with the teaching team in 1-on-1 meetings. 

Post your Reading Response and Project Worksheet to your Scalar page and send us (IS266TeachingTeam@gmail.com) the link by 12pm (noon) Monday.