Agency, Voice, and the Evolution (AVE) of Women at Saint Mary’s, 1920-2023: Spring 2023Main MenuIntroductionHistoriesAgencyVoiceArchival ArtifactsReflections on SMC EvolutionsSarah Noonan6616b08296cc76f25739fd6dc35367e3165a69b8Katie Clem277dccd2c72fe75559fa3cb6812d91c31d46cbf5Mary Elsingerc2fbf519a404f57de142b733bfd5848db8bc00b8Chancelor Gordon36fa579b81a8e331e31194c0836dd2041fe6491aBridget Marie Justend47f066fb9b4a60eca3891c723dafa495b2bff04Grace Leberf9adb4e66bd91b073ec447dd91b0c57cfa1b1d2fChloe Nosal06dfec1bb7eec59a49971c5d4227a000f9fff209Kaylen Nyhuisddaa703792cbecefb65fa2167c199bb324fffb91Paige Parker1a33153d2a3c63c56a571c9fa52e70dcfc4e6380Mari Pritulsky5b1e90d1504934830e574c7d0432ace4dd555c1dChristina Shadid060abcc9a5cfba44ac7f4fa38e996f3c10379d36Sarah Stephenson3ec5b45f5253cd50aa84814a90dbbd6a9634fedcMariana Taskeye90784c4b94cd2eb8ada789d5a82d75a01491430Evangelina Yarber1bf01cb750f81bde1ab06befb95053b667310e2c
Chimes (1920-21, Vol. 29), pg 151 excerpt
1media/Screen Shot 2023-05-02 at 4.24.11 PM_thumb.png2023-05-02T13:27:11-07:00Grace Leberf9adb4e66bd91b073ec447dd91b0c57cfa1b1d2f425241Poem written by Catherine Kennedy. Titled "What Would You Give To Be Young?"plain2023-05-02T13:27:11-07:00Archives of Saint Mary's College1920-1921Saint Mary's CollegeSocial LifeCatherine KennedyGrace Leberf9adb4e66bd91b073ec447dd91b0c57cfa1b1d2f
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12023-04-25T13:33:47-07:00Featured Pieces from the 1920s Chimes23plain2023-05-02T13:34:14-07:00 Chimes is Saint Mary's College's student-run literary magazine. First published in 1893, Chimes has featured student voices for the past 130 years. Chimes gives students a platform to share their voices through writing. Within Chimes are a variety of topics which span from imaginative fiction to opinions on social issues. The following excerpts are from three volumes published between 1919 and 1922.
"What Would You Give To Be Young?" (top) by Catherine Kennedy, the owner of the Kennedy Journal, is a poem about childhood nostalgia.
"The Old Fashioned Mother" discusses what the duties of a mother should be and how it relates to Catholic teaching in the 1920s. This essay demonstrates that students reflected on women's issues and their own futures.
"The Millennium" is a student's prediction for politics, social issues, and domestic life in the United States from 1919-2019. These predictions are presented within a story. Josephine Ryan '21, the author, experimented with how the reversal of gender roles would change society. Note the line on page 10: "Wives were now the wage earners, their husbands were the housekeepers."