12016-12-06T17:52:54-08:00Elizabeth Withers4c83cfe2d791828249eb6cc21e5e14580fecf72e130083plain2016-12-14T14:35:22-08:00Elizabeth Withers4c83cfe2d791828249eb6cc21e5e14580fecf72eGrandpa's dream fulfills his wish to be desirable and powerful, as he is wanted by two men. Part of Grandpa's backstory includes his wife leaving him, and this dream can be interpreted as a repressed desire to have her back. The two cowboys may be condensations either of aspects of himself or of he and a rival, while he is a displacement of his wife. That she will marry both means an acceptance of all aspects of Grandpa's personality, and is celebrated by shooting pistols, possibly symbolism for the sex act. conclusions