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Sherlock Holmes Across Media

Louisa Stein, Author

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Welcome to FYSE 1457A: Sherlock Holmes Across Media! This is the course site/syllabus. It is a Work in Progress and will be subject to change so please check back frequently.

Professor: Louisa Stein; Email:

Class meetings: Tuesdays & Thursdays 1:30pm-2:45pm AXN 220 // Screenings: Wednesdays 7:30pm-10:25pm

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle first created Sherlock Holmes in 1886. Since then, the consulting detective has continued to solve mysteries in  literature, radio, film, television, and digital media. Indeed, Sherlock Holmes inspired what many think of as the earliest media fandom. Why  has Sherlock Holmes continued to be such a fascinating figure for almost a century and a half? How have Holmes and his sidekick Watson (or  Sherlock and John) transformed in their different iterations across  media, culture, and history? And what does it mean for contemporary television series Elementary and Sherlock to reimagine Sherlock Holmes for the digital age?

In this class we'll:
  • think about the value & significance of shared cultural texts
  • consider questions of adaptation, transformation, and fan authorship
  • examine the history of transmedia
  • consider the purpose of writing in different contexts
  • experiment with digital transmedia authorship
  • read, watch, compare & write about as many variations of Sherlock Holmes as we can chase down
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