Sci-Fi: Systematic Racism and Alternate Realities: homepage

Sci-Fi: Systematic Racism in Alternate Realities

The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin follows the story of three women: a young girl named Damaya, a young lady named Syenite, and a grown woman named Essun. Three terrible things happen to Essun in one day. On an ordinary day, in her small town, Essun comes home to find that her husband has murdered their son and kidnapped their daughter. At the same time, Sanze, the worldspanning empire, collaspses. Across the world, in a continent known as the Stillness, a huge rift has torn directly into the Earth causing ash to darken the sky for centuries.

Damaya is discovered for her powers and taken away to be trained. She leaves the small cage she has known in her short years on life to be trained as a solider, as a pawn of those in power. Syenite, on her quest for more rings, is sent off on a mission with a ten ringer named Alabaster. The two must travel and restore lands and broker peace on their journies.

Essun must now pursue her kidnapped daughter through this deadly land. Without clean air, land, or water, a war has broken out in the Stillness. A war of nations fighting not for land, but instead for resources necessary to get through this long dark period. Essun doesn't care about the world falling around her. In fact, she'll break it herself if it means she gets her daughter back.

Excerpts from The Fifth Season

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