"A Medium in Which I Seek Relief": Manuscripts of American Sailors 1919-1940


Thomas F. Caldwell was born on January 7, 1908 in Brooklyn, New York. In 1925 he graduated from the New York State Nautical School after 1.5 years of study and sea training as an engineering cadet aboard the Schoolship Newport. He sailed for many years with various shipping lines. He was called to active duty as a merchant mariner during World War II, sailing as Chief Engineer on the infamous Murmansk run, bringing supplies to the Russian front through Arctic seas. Caldwell's diary is on Maritime Digital Collections and his papers are in the SUNY Maritime archives

Edward F. "Nick" Carter ​​​​​​(class of 1929) wrote a memoir documenting life aboard the Schoolship Newport. Librarians at Maritime actively solicited recollections from alumni of the school's early history, so it is possible that this memoir was related to that solicitation. Item is part of the Newport Schoolship Records, 1896-1970 and posted online on Maritime Digital Collections

Phylipp Dilloway was a Bronx native. In the summer of 1945 Dilloway went to sea on his first cruise aboard the American Pilot (also known as the Empire State I) as part of his merchant mariner training. Dilloway completed his second cruise aboard the same training ship and graduated from the New York State Maritime Academy in October of 1946. Read the full biographical note and collection description here and Dilloway's diary here

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