"A Medium in Which I Seek Relief": Manuscripts of American Sailors 1919-1940

Salt Horse

The seaman's slang name during the days of sail for the salted beef issued as victuals at sea. The origin of the expression was of course the toughness of the beef as it came out of the cask. It was also known as salt junk, indicating the seaman's belief that any old meat was thrown into the casks for pickling in brine irrespective of the animal from it was supposed to have come.

"salt horse." The Oxford Companion to Ships and the Sea. Eds. Dear, , and Peter Kemp. : Oxford University Press, , 2007. Oxford Reference. Date Accessed 5 Apr. 2020 <https://www-oxfordreference-com.queens.ezproxy.cuny.edu/view/10.1093/acref/9780199205684.001.0001/acref-9780199205684-e-2069>.

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