Cecil Northrop Letter Home, 1925
San Francisco
Dec 3 1925
Dearest Mama,
When Christmas comes, that day of days, when everyone should be home; I shall be on the other side of the world. But in my thoughts and spirits, I will be with you. I will recall those Christmas days in the past, unshadowed, and of happiness only. Since that time disillusion, has followed close on disillusion, until I sometimes feel that life and all it holds can be accounted for in dollars, and cents.
It is only when I think of the unselfishness, and sacrifice that was necessary to make those days so carefree, that I know there is something else in life which cannot be entered as “Profit or Loss.”
The little gift I enclose is in poor taste I know, for money has been put to too many purposes, to ever contain sentiment. But as my time is so limited I am unable to choose a present. With it, you may get something you need perhaps, or have wanted.
Don't try to spend it wisely. There are three hundred and sixty four more days to do that in. I know a little girl will derive more pleasure from a doll or “gee gaw” then all the rubbers or woolen dresses in the world; and I think in all our hearts there is a love for baubles and trinkets. If there is some such thing you desire, get it by all means, and I shall consider the money well spent.
However my love for you and Papa is beyond the power of money to express. But if the expression of my feelings were as easy as the drawing of a check, I would fill one in that the Bank of England could not cash.
Your loving son