Chains of Production, Chains of Protest: Women's Peace Camps, 1981-2000

Seneca Women's Peace Encampment for a Future of Peace and Justice

Seneca Women's Encampment for a Future of Peace and Justice 

July 4-September 5, 1983

Catalyzed by the "Conference on Global Feminism and Disarmament" on June 11, 1982 and established on the borders of the Seneca Army Depot in Romulus, NY - a transhipment site for cruise and Pershing II missiles preparing for transport to Europe. (1)

"So this summer, night and day we women will become a counter presence — a presence of resistance to destruction, a presence of life on the borders of Seneca Army Depot." (2)

1. Women's Encampment for a Future of Peace and Justice Handbook, "Seneca Army Depot," 1983. Accessed April 18,2024. :5
2. Poster, "WOMEN'S ENCAMPMENT for a Future of PEACE and JUSTICE" Barnard Center for Research on Women. Accessed April 15, 2024.

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