ReVise: Reworking Texts


​​​​​​To be a great writer is to commit to improving your organization and habits of brainstorming. The goal of this pre-writing exercise is to think critically and carefully about the aims, methods, and materials you’ll need for your ReVise Project video presentation. You might think of this as creating a blueprint and set of goals for your paper (subject to revisions). The goal is for you to have a plan when you sit down to compose your ReVise presentation script / project. Answer these questions as thoroughly as you need to feel well-prepared for your final project. 
  1. Describe the product you plan to create about your insight. In an ideal world, what would a video about your insight look like?  
  2. What operations, methods, and processes will you need to do for that project? (i.e. record an audio track? Film yourself around campus? Learn how to use audio / visual / sound software?)
  3. What resources, materials, and technologies do you need? (video-editing software? Microphone, camera?  The visual stuff of your project—clips, images, text, etc?
  4. What kind of audience will respond most favorably to your project?  How can you frame your project for that audience (and your real audience of the class, who will be seeing your video). How can you structure your time to bring in this project on time, reasonably, with the best quality?

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